Internet Lawyer, E-Business and Internet Start Up Attorney
Starting an Internet business involves many of the same obstacles as starting a traditional, brick and mortar business. There are, however, many unique aspects for a web business start-up. Traditional brick and mortar businesses develop and maintain a website to promote their business and make their business easy to be found, whereas an Internet businesses’ very existence is totally dependent on its presence on the Internet. Get the affordable advice of a San Diego Internet Lawyer before trouble comes knocking on your door.
Internet Law – Where the Internet and the Law Intersect
Internet Lawyer, Valerie Kramer’ focuses on where the Internet and the Law intersect. Valerie has found that this “new breed” of legal challenges can rarely be fully resolved by using conventional legal procedures and status-quo answers. Your Internet business’ unique one-of-a-kind Internet legal issue cannot be effectively resolved using common legal approaches. Valerie seeks to build solid legal frameworks that will protect you and your Internet business from exposure to unnecessary risk and insure that you and your business is in compliance with the growing body of legislation, rules and regulations.
Software and Technology Licensing
These individually developed frameworks are your business’ online and policy agreements with your customers, vendors and providers. These agreements often take the form of Software and Internet licensing, website terms of service and Fair Use Law, website privacy policies and Online Agreements. These agreements are critical tools that your Internet business needs in order to effectively and efficiently conduct your online business affairs while legally protecting yourself and your Internet business.
Valerie Kramer is particularly interested in Internet Commerce/E-Commerce, Website Terms of Service agreements (TOS), Copyright Law and Internet and Software Licensing.
- Internet Commerce/E-Commerce. Internet business owners need to be proactive in protecting their business as well as themselves from liability. Internet business owners also need to protect their intellectual property rights. Too often, Internet businesses pirate, without realizing the rules and consequences, of using copyrighted material. Conversely, it’s imperative to protect your own unique online content.
- Website Terms of Use. Insuring that your Internet business’ online content is protected can take numerous forms. One effective structure is using a Website Terms of Use structure. Requiring users to agree to your Website Terms of Use can extinguish potential legal liabilities. Valerie stays current on Internet legal developments that may impact your Internet business so that you can focus your energies on running your business.
- Copyright Law. There has been a lot of pressure upon the courts to widen “the public domain”. Practically speaking this would promptly draw copyrighted works out from the copyright umbrella and these works would become available, free of charge, to the online community. January 18, 2012 the Supreme Court reversed any progress that had been made widening “the public domain”. Most importantly the Court flatly declared that the public domain is not “a category of constitutional significance”. Having a skilled and informed Attorney becomes critical as the Internet community and Internet law are changing at warp speed. Valerie Kramer stays aware of the current developments as well as the upcoming political struggles that will likely shape the ever-changing environment of Internet Law.
- Internet and Software Licensing. Valerie Kramer has broad experience in the area of Internet and Software Licensing. He is knowledgeable of the intricacies of Software license agreements, End user license agreements, Software development agreements and clickwrap licenses. Often referred to as “click-through agreements” or “clickwrap licenses”, these license agreements are beneficial for executing agreements that are connected to Software Licensing.
Internet Agreements & Contracts For Internet Professionals
A good Internet Lawyer will be invaluable to website designers, graphics designers, website developers, website content writers, website coders and APP developers, and 100’s of other niches. Johnathan C. Williams can help you to create and maintain effective Internet Business Agreements and Contracts to help keep your business protected from liability and you getting ripped-off for your creative work product. Valerie can draft powerful contracts such as non-disclosure agreements that can be used when subcontracting work online – often you never meet your best people face to face in today’s web development world.
Contracts that we create to be used online will be the foundation of your legal precedence in any legal case you may face as a fallout of your online business. Having an airtight contract can help to protect your personal and business interests when dealing with other people and other businesses online. Upshot? – San Diego Internet Lawyer, Valerie Kramer, can help you draft powerful legal documents that you absolutely must have to protect your legal rights for your Internet-dependent business activities.
Are You Regularly Ripped Off by Online Clients? Let’s Fix That!
Valerie will spend time with you getting to know you and your Internet business and becoming familiar with the unique and distinctive legal issues and risks that you and your Internet business will need to be informed of. From this knowledge he will be able to specifically counsel you on your potential risks. In most situations, risk is part of the price you pay for running a business. However, being well-informed on the legal risks and potential short and long-term consequences you and your Internet business may face will likely help you make more informed.
This is just a basic overview and is not legal advice specific to your situation. If you would like to speak with me about your situation, please email me at or call 800-619-0797.

Business Attorney Valerie Kramer understands that investing some time in getting your business contracts in order, handling common legal transactions, or negotiating a lease should be cost-effective.
Valerie Kramer is also a Real Estate Attorney and helps Property Owners, Buyers & Sellers, Real Estate Brokers, Commercial Tenants and others involved in everyday real estate transactions and disputes. Valeries’s clients get maximum value for every penny spent, without padded hours for unnecessary “additional services.”
Call me personally – (619) 259-5030
– Let’s talk through your issue or opportunity.
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We are proud to serve San Diego and the San Diego County Area.